jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Day 50 - Repeat PET Scan - November 2 2011

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 50 - Repeat PET Scan - November 2 2011

Found our way down to Radiology and the PET Scan. Everyone was very nice to me in PET Scan and they had the nurse down there access my Bard Power Port (under the skin on my right chest wall) so they could put the radio-dye in for my PET Scan. Afterwards, they had me lay down in a dark cubicle for 30 minutes and asked me to drink oral contrast (tasted TERRIBLE). After another 30 minutes, they put me in the PET Scanner and I asked them why they accessed my Bard Power Port if they weren't putting contrast in it - they didn't know and just said, you're getting it without IV contrast today~ The scan only took 18 minutes. After the scan was completed, the technician was fascinated with all the hardware I have in my left arm secondary to a fall of a ladder in 2002.

I had a terrible headache and was starving when I found Jani in the waiting area. She had a bagel and 1/2 of a turkey sandwich for me and we went down to the cafeteria and got some coffee while we waited for 11 AM. At 11 AM, I went back to the BIC to get my Bard Power Port deaccessed and heparinized. They also give you the pre-medication for the bone marrow biopsy procedure in the BIC (liquid morphine and an ativan pill).

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