jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Day 79 - December 1 2011

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 79 - December 1 2011

Well, we made it to UCH in Aurora, Colorado today in a snow storm. from Greeley,Colorado. 
I had the repeat echocardiogram by the same nice technician, Tracy,  that I had on November 2, 2011. She is very skilled and knowledgeable. She thought I might have the results by the time I met with Dr. Myint.
Had my blood drawn out of my Bard Power Port and then went for my appointment with Dr. Myint. My hemoglobin is normal  at 12.7 (no more anemia), my platelet count (bleeding) is normal at 206, and my white blood cell count is also normal at 5.1. They said it was safe to start eating fruits and salads again.

Unfortunately for me, Dr. Myint did not yet have the echocardiogram results at the time of my appointment. So, I still do not know the status of the blood clots in the right atrium of my heart. Karley, Nurse Practitioner said she'd call me with the results tomorrow. So, I still do not know if I can go home to Idaho.

I had several pages of questions and Dr. Myint and Karley, NP stayed long enough to answer EVERY one of my questions. Dr. Myint never seems rushed during my appointments and I appreciate that.

They gave me a flu shot and told me that I would have all of my immunizations 1 year after my stem cell transplant which was on September 13 2011.

More about my appointment tomorrow.

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