jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Day 98 - Neuropathy - December 20 2011

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 98 - Neuropathy - December 20 2011

Well, I've started to get a bit of neuropathy on the fingertips of my left hand that I experience as numbness and some tingling. I've had 3 weeks of intravenous Velcade 1.7 mg/Dex 20 mg with one more week to go (December 26th) and I finished 14 days of oral Revlimid 10 mg yesterday.

I've started back on the L-Glutamine protein powder which might help. My Fort Collins, Colorado oncologist, Dr. James Moore suggested I take L-Glutamine Powder 10 g dose 3 times a day when I was getting my induction chemotherarpy before my stem cell transplant. I did not experience any neuropathy in my fingers at that time. I mix the powder in a bit of grape juice and it is easy to get down.

I'm also more constipated this round than before. I've taken 4 Senna S and 2 Magnesium 500 tablets each night and have had very little results. Tomorrow, I might have to drink the Miralax Papaya Banana Apple Protein Shake that Danny Parker gave me the recipe for. For me, constipation is the worst side effect.

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