jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT Day Minus 4 Update Afternoon - May 14 2012

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Monday, May 14, 2012

2nd ASCT Day Minus 4 Update Afternoon - May 14 2012

Dr. Han Myint and NP Shannon came by early to visit. Dr. Myint said I could expect the worst of my symptoms beginning May 21-25th next week. 

Right now, I continue okay today and I'm still able to eat between naps. I did the treadmill for 15 minutes. The nurses give me Maxidex eye drops 4 times a day to prevent some chemo related side effect from Cytarabine. I also have to sign my name each time to make sure I have no fine motor neurological sign effects.
One of my blog followers sent me the nicest greeting card today. Cheryl lives in Charlotte, North Caroline and somehow her card found me here at UCH today.
Shawn and Tom Egle stopped by for a visit to day too - but, I forgot to get a photo. Shawn looks great and continues to search for the best course of action for her myeloma relapse in mid-January 2012.

I had several visits from physical therapy today and nutrition. Everyone is trying to hard to make this stay good for me. Even the head of nutrition called me and he is really going to try to improve my food choices while here.

My 4 PM blood values drawn by RN Nicole are still doing well.
My 4 PM lab values show a norm white blood cell count at 4.8 (norms 4-11.1); almost normal platelets at 145 (norms 150-400); and low hemoglobin at 9.1 (norms 12.1-16.3).

Jani arrived this afternoon and I rode the exercise bike for 5 minutes. 
Had some dinner and promptly slept through the shift change.
Signs on my door warning of neutropenic precautions.


  1. Dear Judith,

    Thank you so much for your blog. As we speak, my father-in-law is at the Cleveland Clinic and is going to get his infusion Friday the 18th. He started melphalan today and we are all scared about everything. Your story has been truly inspirational and I learn so much through your eyes. God Bless You and Keep smiling....You will get through this!

  2. Hi Melissa, you father-in-law and I are on the same schedule since I will get my stem cells on Friday, the 18th too. You are welcome to email me if you have specific comments at
    Good luck to your father-in-law and I hope he does well will little to now complications. jm

  3. Thank you so much. I am sure we will have a lot of questions. It's so comforting to know that you having been through this and going through it again can be our guide so to speak as I continue to read your blogs each day. Good Luck tomorrow and I will be thinking of you too tomorrow. Thank you again....

