jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Nothing to Update - 2nd Relapse Medication Insurance Authorization - October 26 2012

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Friday, October 26, 2012

Nothing to Update - 2nd Relapse Medication Insurance Authorization - October 26 2012

Have heard nothing about the Carfilzomib approval today, so I called St. Luke's Hospital MSTI and had to leave a message for the nurse. I've decided to invest a LOT LESS angst in to this process - not good for me.

Curascript called this morning and said the Revlimid WOULD NOT be delivered today and I'll get it Monday - again, chill Jude, chill~

Terrible night of leg cramps - nothing seems to help except stretching and walking around. I took a plain Tylenol 500 mg with some success. Also had a gripping gut ache for awhile.

Walked Kemmer on the Mine Hill 1.38 miles - cold at 34 degrees, but very little wind which was nice. I should have had a red bandana on Kemmer to show that she is NOT A DEER during hunting season. I wore a bright red coat and hat, but Kemmer is often ahead or behind me and running the sage brush.

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