jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Updates - October 28 2012

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Updates - October 28 2012

I forgot to mention the Mayo Clinic - Scottsdale, Arizona insurance office called yesterday (a Saturday) which surprised me since it was Saturday. I gave them my insurance information and they said they would be getting back to me. At least, I know the process has started.

Woke this morning with no ill effects from snow shoveling yesterday. My neuropathy seems to be extending from my feet and legs (especially left) to my back. I have a couple of spots on the left side of my back that feel NUMB and HEAVY.

Really warmed up today and most of our snow melted. Walked Kemmer 1.30 miles around town because the Mine Hill Road was muddy. No wind (note the flag on our American Legion Hall) and 60 degrees.
 My slow hair growth.

1 comment:

  1. It's fortunate that you are not in Boston today. Maybe Scottsdale is the place for you.
