jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Good Day - November 1 2012

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Good Day - November 1 2012

Feel pretty well - just tired in the afternoon and evening. Day 3 of Revlimid 10 mg (21 days on and 7 off) and 1 day post 2 days of Carfilzomib (1st Cycle).

Walked Kemmer on the Mine Hill 1.0 mile. 
My face is so swollen from dex (steroids).
When we got home, one of my young neighbors came to the fence for a visit.
Mayo Clinic Scottsdale called and I'm set for my 2nd Opinion appointment during the week of Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love your sweet, young neighbor! And Kemmer, of course! I'm so glad the appt with Scottsdale got settled.
