jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma - Update May 9 2013

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma - Update May 9 2013

Day in the life of me. Jani made me a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich for breakfast.
Jani worked on her grades with Zoe's help - thank goodness for the internet so she can be here with me in Idaho and still working in Colorado.
 Kemmer and me 9 May 2013...She's fact, we're both smiling!

I drive to the Post Office each day to pick up my mail and Paco's too (my father). He LOVES mail - junk mail, bank statements, ANY MAIL - and he needs more mail - so family, be writing!
After the mail and lunch, I'm usually toast for the rest of the day - one with my sofa. Good view of command-central in this photo below - where the blogging happens along with my genealogy scanning computer and scanner.
Went to visit Clark Parker with Kemmer. Kemmer loves him almost as much as he loves her.
Clark Parker with his Louie, Kemmer and Daisy at the very bottom. Kemmer even likes Clark's little dogs - but, they mostly ignore each other.

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