Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Nephew Arrives Mackay Idaho From Texas - May 28 2013

My nephew flew in from Austin, Texas this afternoon to Idaho Falls where my brother picked him up for the 100 mile trip across the desert to Mackay, Idaho. So good to see Nick! Nick and his parents, Carol and Jeff.
 Nick and his Dzadzi (Grandfather in Polish).

Our California friends, Kris and Bonnie left for Sacramento this afternoon. They are taking at least two days for their car trip home.
And this is what we call our "Farkle Family" (since the old television HEEHAW DAYS). Jani, Judy, Carol, Nick, Jeff, and Frank aka Paco). So, now, it is OFFICIAL...we are all just a little bit goofy, AND HAPPY!

Our little family isn't totally complete tonight, We are missing Jani's partner, Robbyn Wacker, who headed back to her job in Colorado. 

And our dear Lindsay (Nick's younger sister) who passed away in a automobile accident in 2004 - ALWAYS DEARLY MISSED.
And our Bop (Grandmother in Polish), Marjorie Christine Lundberg Malkiewicz who passed away in June 2005 who we mention about 3 times daily. Below Jeff, Frank, Margie, Jani, and Judy.


  1. jm,
    You folks know how to have fun! How nice. Cheryl

  2. I wish you nice time and good recovery, You really have amazing power.
