Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma - Update - May 28 2013

Woke to new snow on Mt. McCaleb above Mackay, Idaho this morning and 36 degrees. Poor lilacs just began to bloom 2 days ago.
Jani and I drove to Lost Rivers Medical Center and I had my CBC (complete blood count) done. I was hoping for higher values because I feel pretty well.

My white blood cell count is 3.4 which is low for me, but good at the same time (norms 4-11.2); ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) 2.00 which is normal and no mask necessary this week (norms 2-8); hemoglobin low at  9.5, but my blood transfusion threshold is 9.0, so won't need that today (norms 12-16); and platelets STILL MISERABLY LOW at 31 YET HOLDING, so more sofa time for me now to prevent bleeding (norms 140-440).

So, we didn't have to travel on to St. Luke's Hospital in Twin Falls today.

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