jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: July 2011

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Walked 1.80 Miles this morning with Jani July 30 2011

Really distended in my abdomen and need to have more time in the outhouse. I've taken Milk of Magnesia x 2, Senokot x 3, Miralax in juice and prunes - can only hope for some action south~ If this doesn't work, I'm going with the colonoscopy prep again, Magnesia Citrate~!

Jani and I went to the Greeley Colorado Farmer's Market and bought fresh beets for dinner. Then, we walked around the Greeley Art's Picnic (annual arts and crafts show) - way too hot in the 90's - home to rest this afternoon.

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Family Practice Physician called today July 29 2011

My Family Practice Physician, Eliz Albritton, MD called today, July 29 2011, just to check on me. I am so lucky to have such caring doctors!

Walk today was much easier July 29 2011

 jm with Kemmer and Zoe. We walked with Jani at more leasuirely pace this morning for 1.80 miles while it was still cool outside.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Friends visit with Wonderful Inn Chinese Food July 28 2011

Good friends, Ann and Chuck Henderson, brought Wonderful Inn Chinese food for dinner tonight and we had a wonderful visit over good food.
Robbyn's niece, Kisha is visiting from Austin, Texas with her two adorable little girls, Maeva age 5 and Olivia age 2, so we all had a terrific time! I'm so lucky to have such good friends and family!

Chemotherapy Day 2 Cycle 3 July 28 2011

Jani drove my sleepy self to chemotherapy this afternoon. I had the usual intravenous Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi combo. They always draw my blood from my Bard Power Port first and have it analyzed before they start the chemo. Today, my CBC was still abnormal, but moving toward more normal than ever before. In fact, this is the first time my WBC (white blood cell) count had been in the normal range at 5.2 (norms 4-10). I continue anemic.
I managed to gain 3 pounds since Tuesday and I know it is not from eating too many calories~ I've gained 10 pounds since diagnosis. My skinny oncolgoist says not to worry. It is very hard to balance everything. I feel like my stomach may come north and at times I have had a surprise of stomach contents in my esophagus, but I have not vomited. I continue constipated to a degree - taking Senokot S three pills along with 2 Milk of Magnesia pills daily which has things moving south, but probably not enough. On my chemo days, I am drinking the Papaya Miralax shake when I get home.
Came home from chemo with a prescription for Ambien for sleep. I didn't take any today. I just want to make sure all the Flexeril (muscle relaxant) is out of system before adding something new. Didn't seem to need the Ambien anyway - I slept hard for another 2 hours before dinner.

Walked only 0.8 miles this morning July 28 2011

Although, my low back did not hurt, I had pain in my back across my scapula while trying to keep up with Jani, so I shortened my walk and walked slower this morning. Jani went on with the dogs at her quick pace - someday, I'll be able to keep up with her again!

Labs - Immunoglobulin Free Light Chains, M Spike, Monoclonal Protein Study Serum and Immunofixation May 18 2011, June 13 2011, July 6 2011, July 26 2011

All of my blood values for multiple myeloma are dropping and I AM RESPONDING to chemotherapy.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

150th Birthday Party photos are done and posted - see the July 22 2011 Post

MRI of back July 27 2011

I went to the Harmony Imaging Center today in Fort Collins and had an MRI of my lower back.
Shari of the Imaging Center used a little lidocaine on my IV site in my left arm and the IV catheter for the contrast went right right in without any pain 1st time. That's important when you've been poked a lot. She covered it with Opsite and I don't think I reacted to the adhesive in it since I have a severe tape allergy. 
I wore headphones which muffled the loud banging marble noise, but no music to listen to. The test lasted at total of 22 or maybe 28 minutes (2 six minute intervals and 1 ten minute interval). They gave me the gadolinium contrast at the very end and I had another 6 minute interval. I had been cold and the IV gallium warmed me right up. The technician warned me that it might be cold on injection and it was. She also said I might feel a metallic taste in my mouth, but I did not. In fairness, my taster has not been right for some time - so, who knows. I have normal kidney function, so the contrast should not be of concern in my case.

Jani drove me to the test and as we were driving home, I had an email from my oncologist, Dr. James Moore indicating he had already received the results of the MRI study.

"MRI was fine, no compression fractures or obvious injury to bones.
Probably a muscular strain/spasm of some sort.
MRI did show bone marrow stimulation, which is what we see commonly with chemo"

I emailed Dr. Moore back that bone marrow stimulation sure caused a lot of pain in me - I just hope the worst is over after the steroids wear off. I get Decadron again tomorrow with my 2nd Chemotherapy of the week.

So, that was really good news as I didn't want anything to interfere with my stem cell collection which is on the horizon. I signed a paper at the Harmony Imaging Center to have the MRI study CD and Report sent to Han Myint, MD at the University of Colorado Hospital where the stem cell harvest and transplant will occur.

M Spike Value from July 26 2011

My M Spike level on diagnosis was 3.0. Yesterday's blood draw sent to the Mayo Clinic has the M Spike at 0.6, so I am really responding well to the chemotherapy! Zero is normal for the M Spike value.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Revlimid 25 mg Started Cycle 2 Today July 26 2011

I started my 2nd Cycle of Revlimid 25 mg tonight. I take one pill at bedtime each night for 14 days. I'm on my 3rd Cycle of intravenous Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi which I started today too.

Immunoglobulins IGG before I start Chemotherapy Cycle 3 Day 1 of Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi and Cycle 2 of Relvlimid July 26 2011

My immunoglobulins G have plummeted to normal from 3,422 at diagnosis, so the chemotherapy is working. I'll have to wait until at least tomorrow to the get the Mayo Clinic Free Light Chain results.

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel before I start Chemotherapy Cycle 3 Day 1 of Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi and Cycle 2 of Relvlimid July 26 2011

CBC before I start Chemotherapy Cycle 3 Day 1 of Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi and Cycle 2 of Relvlimid July 26 2011

My white blood cell count (WBC) although low, is higher than it ahs been! Still anemic with low Hemoglobin (HGB) at 9.6 and Hemotocrit (HCT) at 28.5

Monday, July 25, 2011

Appointment with oncologist, Dr. James Moore and then Chemotherapy Cycle 3 Day 1 July 26 2011

My back spasms continue and Jani got me in to the car again for my appointment with Dr. James Moore as I begin Chemotherapy Cycle 3 of Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi and Cycle 2 of Revlimid. Dr. Moore was very caring about my back pain and said he did not think it was a side effect of Revlimid since it came on late in the week that I was not taking any medications. He wants me to have an MRI of my back to make sure we are not missing something. In addition, I'll start back on anti-inflammatory, Celebrex 100 mg twice a day and add muscle relaxant, Flexeril 2.5 mg three times a day.

From the appointment, we just walk to the back of the Front Range Cancer Specialists area where the chemotherapy is administered. Nurse Robbyn drew hooked up my port with a Huber needle and drew my blood prior to the administration of chemotherapy. I was anxiously awaiting the Decadraon (steroid) as Dr. Moore thought that would help my back pain - and it DID. I was a new woman with NO PAIN. After days of seizing spasms in my back with any movement, this was welcome relief!

I got my fluids, Aloxi, and Velcade and we were on the road - this time pain free by 2:15 PM.

I made email contact with the Dana Godec, RN Transplant Coordinator at the University of Colorado and she will make my appointments there with Dr. Han Myint after my MRI is completed.

Jani sat with me in the chemotherapy room and she is working on the photos of the 150th Birthday Party, but it will take her awhile, so be sure to look back in the blog for more photos on July 22 2011.

Leaving Mackay Idaho for Colorado July 25 2011

Jani poured me in the back to Bart for the long trip from Mackay Idaho to Colorado today July 25 2011. Pour Jani and Jeff were left with packing everything and getting the house closed up.
 We stopped at the Park House and my father came out to the car to kiss me goodbye because there was not getting me out with the back spasms I'm experiencing.
And off we went toward Colorado at around 7:30 AM. We made to Jani and Robbyn's house  by 6:15 PM - a very long trip for me and everyone else. Stopping for gas along the way and listening to me YELP LOUDLY as Jani got me out and in the car. I took Percocet with little relief. When my back spasms - it just grabs hold and seems to have mind of its own. Dr. Moore better be able to fix this because I cannot live this way. I know, I'm whining - sorry~

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My low back has totally seized up July 24 2011

My low back has totally seized up in spasm with any movement and sometimes just because on July 24 2011. Jani has to help in and out of bed - I am pretty debilitated. Jani, Jeff, and Carol packed up my things for Colorado all day. Jeff and Carol were going to Jackson, Hole Wyoming today and then on to Colorado, but have decided to follow Jani and I as we drive to Colorado tomorrow in case Jani needs helps with me. I have a wonderful caring family!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

After golf barbecue at Marinac's River Park Golf Course July 23 2011

Jani Malkiewicz, Robbyn Wacker, Judy, Nick, Jeff and Carol Malkiewicz at after Sammy's-Ivies Golf Tournamnent Barbecue to raise money for the Mackay School July 23 2011. Frank Malkiewicz stayed home and we took him a plate of food. My back was hurting badly, but I could still walk without too many spasms - sitting was another story~

No golf for jm July 23 2011

I was scheduled to play in the Sammy's-Ivies Golf Tournament at Mackay Idaho's River Park Golf Course today, but I have a severe lower back into my hips pain that had taken ALL flexibility out of my spine. In face, I am barely getting around. Transitions from standing to sitting, sitting to lying are KILLING me! I looked online and see that Revlimid can cause back pain in less than 25 percent of the people taking it. I'm sure the pain is caused by Revlimid because I have done NOTHING to cause this pain and I have never had pain like this in the past. I couldn't even ride along with them int he golf cart because of my back pain.

At any rate, my sister-in-law, Carol, took my place in the golf tournament and they had a fabulous time and almost made the finals.
Nick, Jani, Jeff, and Carol Malkiewicz, Robbyn Wacker at Sammy's-Ivies Golf Tournament to raise funds for the Mackay schools (K-12). July 22 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy 150th Birthday Party for jm (age 60) and Frank Malkiewicz (age 90) July 22 2011

 Frank, age 90 and jm age 60
 My whole little family gathered for the 150th Birthday Party in Mackay Idaho along with 106 guests.
Jani, Carol, and Judy Malkiewicz, Robbyn Wacker
Jeff, Frank and Nick Malkiewicz
Mackay Idaho July 22 2011
Sorry you have to look at a gazillion photos of me, but I sure enjoyed posing with all of the groups!
Top Madison Olsen, granddaughter of Shirley Schmuck Oslen and Wayne Olsen. Thank you for serving cake and ice cream Shirley and Madison! Lola Dick Mintun, Lois Amy Munson
Bottom Sandy Damiana, Donna and Lew Pence
Top Flossie Johnson, Vickie Mae Johnson Northrop and Oscar Wornek
Bottom John Powers, Diane Layne Parker and Virginia Chaney Layne
Top Faye and Bruce Hummel from Colorado and nice card from Faye's mother, Marjorie Colglazier in Holyoke, Colorado (we missed you Marjorie), Michelle Peterson
Bottom Ellis Reay, Lucille and Earl Wall
Top Sharon Sayer Whitworth, Lola Coates, Mike Stapleton
Bottom Carol Donahue, Gordon and Ina Mae Harris
 Top Remi Wojciechowski and her mother Tina McAffee, Michelle Layne Nielsen
Bottom Lela Warner, Faye Hansen and her daughter Lana Hansen Pehrson
 Top Andrea Marinac, Steve and Helen Denning Marinac
Bottom Pam Denning Lords, Isabel Rosenkrance Eaton
 Top Sharron Larter Akers, Sharon Phillips Huff, Dorothy Schmuck
Bottom: Lula Adams Shafer, Sharon McIntosh and her daughter, Gretchen Lawrence
 Top Jerry and Bea Bender, Lowell Frauenholz
Bottom Chuck and Mary Price and their grandchildren, Virginia Anderson
 Top Beckie and Rick Hanni, Ron
Bottom Margie Hocking VanOrden, Betty and Otto Higbee
 Top Nelda and Wayne McClellan, Shauna Hintze Nelson and Randy Nelson
Bottom Ron and Anna Oxley, Vickie Jo Leavitt Dunn, Maryann Ausich Walker
 Top Trey, Alex Drzyzga from Las Vegas, Christopher Drzyzga from California, Sharon Pitkin
Bottom Dennis Drzyzga from Las Vegas, Teresa and Randy Harding
 Top Cora and Earl Lockie, Angelita Cruz Cross
Bottom Kadin Webb, Sheri Wall Webb and Kelly Webb
 Top Debbie Clark Park and her mother Alyce Clark, Alice Leavitt
Bottom Leonard and Pat Wall, Edmund Ebber, brother of Theresa Ebbers Smith
Top Amber Hames and her mother Karen McKelvey Hames and her mother Charlotte Manson McKelvey
Bottom Reva and Glenn McConnell, Casey and Suzanne Hall Whitworth
Top Julie Munson Johnson, Amy Johnson Kimball, Scott Johnson
Bottom Jake Johnson, Kassidy, Kelsey, Kinley (on her 2nd Birthday) and Heather Pehrson Johnson

Bard Power Port Day 39 July 22 2011

My Bard Power Port on Day 39 Post-op. Doesn't bother me anymore - but, those bumps on the port are very obvious visually and by feel.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The family that bleeds together - stays together ! ~ July 21 2011

Up bright and early and drove to Arco, Idaho from Mackay, Idaho (27 miles one way) to the Lost Rivers Medical Center Laboratory to have my CBC with Differential drawn. My brother, Jeff, and sister, Jani, decided to have their blood drawn too for cholesterol.
 jm blood draw for CBC with Differential at the Lost Rivers Medical Center Laboratory in Arco Idaho
 Jani and needles are not friends~
 Didn't phase Jeff-co ~

My CBC with Differential Results for July 21 2011. My platelets have recovered - Yippee~

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jani finished up the rock landscaping around my house today July 20 2011

In April of 2011, I started a HUGE landscaping project around my house. Removing old landscape plastic, a ton of dirt, and a layer of existing good rock. I worked so hard that I got callouses on my hands despite work gloves. Each afternoon after working, I would be exhausted and often took a long nadir (nap). I had only about 1/2 the project completed when I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. At least after the diagnosis, I had an excuse for all those afternoon nadirs~

Jani has worked hard and long on completing the project before our big 150th Birthday Party for my father, Frank aka Paco and myself. Paco is 90 and I'm 60 = 150th which will be held in the yard here at my house on Friday, July 22 2011.

Kemmer sitting on the new landscape fabric.
The new rocks I had delivered.
 Jani's rock story via her iPhone July 20 2011
 The last corner finally done July 20 2011 - ready for the 150th Birthday Party!

My brother, Jeff Malkiewicz, had an encounter with a tick today July 20 2011

 Fortunately, for Jeff, he felt the tick crawling on his neck before it found a blood meal!
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Walked 2.0 miles in Taylor Canyon this morning July 20 2011

Zoe, Jani, Kemmer, and jm. As requested by my doctor, I'm wearing long sleeves and long pants along with my hat to limit my exposure to the sun. My Revlimid rash is all but gone - just have a couple of thick dry patch red areas on my waist line where the hives were the worst. Sure glad I invested in light-weight hiking clothes because it was HOT today.