jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd Day with Trainer at Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute July 14 2011

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

2nd Day with Trainer at Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute July 14 2011

Arrived the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute and waited from my trainer, Janice Cox, to arrive. We started out with blood pressure (85/60) and pulse (79). My blood pressure is often very low, but I'm not dizzy most of the time. Then we took a brisk walk through the University of Northern Colorado campus taking the finger pulse ox/pulse monitor with us for intermittent checks. My highest monitored pulse was 107. I have a pain across my back at my scapulae whenever I walk and as soon as I quit walking the pain dissipates.
Back at the exercise gym, my trainer Janice Cox, showed me more elastic band exercises to to do at home. We also did some balance exercises by standing on a 1/2 of a ball and threw a small weighed ball back and forth. We finished up with some stretching. This will be the last time I train with Janice Cox as her school load will be taking her over to biomechanics. When I get back from my trip to Idaho, I'll be assigned a new trainer.

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