jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Chemotherapy (Velcade, Decadron, Aloxi) Day 4 in Cycle 2 July 11 2011

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chemotherapy (Velcade, Decadron, Aloxi) Day 4 in Cycle 2 July 11 2011

Nancy White drove me to my Chemotherapy (Velcade, Decadron, Aloxi) Day 3 in Cycle 2 July 11 2011. I am still careful to put EMLA Cream over my intravenous port site on my right chest 1 hour before I go to chemotherapy. They draw my blood first through the port, wasting about 5 cc first since it might have heparin flush solution in it. Then, I wait for the blood tests to come back while normal saline runs in the port. Today, my platelets (clotting ability) were low at 68 (normal is 150-400) and they had to contact Dr. Moore on how to proceed since they usually hold chemotherapy if the platelets are less than 70.

Since, my platelets were so close to 70, Dr. Moore decided to go ahead with the Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi chemotherapy as planned. However, Dr. Moore wants me to get my CBC with Differential checked while I am home in Mackay Idaho next Thursday, July 21 2011. The nurse gave me a lab slip to take home with me and asked that after the test they FAX the results to Dr. Moore.

My hemoglobin is as low as it has ever been (8.6) with hematocrit (25.4), so I am still very anemic. My white blood cell count (2.9) is also low. All of these values have been low since my diagnosis - nothing new - just lower than they have been.

Because of the delay with the abnormal platelets, my chemotherapy was started late. Nancy went home to walk her dog and then came back for me. Thanks Dr. White.

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