jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Walked 2.2 miles with Judy Richter this morning July 10 2011

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Walked 2.2 miles with Judy Richter this morning July 10 2011

Walked 2.2 miles with Judy Richter this morning July 10 2011. Was careful to wear long sleeves, long pants, and my cowboy hat so the Revlimid hives wouldn't get any worse. Nice to catch up with Judy Richter. We first met when I was just 3 years old in Sacramento, California~
Judy Richter and my brother went to Kindergarten together in Sacramento.
Judy Richter still looks the same.

1 comment:

  1. Hi jm
    My name is Vannette Ross. My husband Glen was diagnosed with MM on July 01, 2010. He has the 17p13 deletion, had SCT, collection in March, infusion in April. His doctor treats with what is known as the Arkansas method vs. the Mayo method. Arkansas being SCTs back to back. The insurance has denied the second transplant deeming him too high risk. We are going to go before the grievance committee before accepting their answer.
    So . . . welcome to the MM community, I'm sorry that we all are in the boat, but knowing that there is so much support from and to eachother is comforting. I'm glad you have found Pat. I think he is somewhat a "center" for all of us. Good luck with your treatment.
    Keep Strong,
    Vannette Ross, Utah
