jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: May 2011

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

24 Hour Urine Test for Monoclonal Protein Results May 26 2011

Bone Marrow 1 Week Post-Procedure and My New Orchard May 31 2011

My bone marrow site is still a tad sore one week post-procedure, but much improved as long as I don't put pressure directly over the site. With the help of a good friend, Ron, I got my 6 fruit trees planted yesterday. The fencing was done the day before and looks like it was always there! I have a regular orchard now! Still have to plant the 4 lilac bushes before I head back to Colorado this weekend.
And sure enough, the mule deer showed up at dusk just outside the fence. I sure hope they are intimidated by my 5 foot fence!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Just me and Kemmer - Bone Marrow Site Day 5 May 28 2011

Was able to climb the Chilly Butte north of Mackay, Idaho this morning despite the continued pain in my right iliac crest from the bone marrow biopsy. Just went slowly.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

EGD (Swallow the Camera Test) Results

The EGD done on May 19, 2011 was normal with no H. Pylori and no Celiac Disease. Received the results in the mail today.

Eagles and Bone Marrow Biopsy Site Day 5 May 28 2011

Even though my bone marrow biopsy site still hurts, I was able to do my Mine Hill walk with Kemmer. We saw 2 bald eagles soaring this morning - what a wonderful day.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bone Marrow Biopsy Site Day 4

It has been 4 days since my bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. The site on my right posterior iliac crest is still sore, but much improved. Still taking acetaminophen which helps. I'm unable to take anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drugs like Ibuprofen and Advil because of my previous history of GI bleed. 

The pain at my bone marrow site has not limited my activity. Was able to walk part of the Mine Hill here in Mackay, Idaho yesterday. Mackay sits just below 6,000 feet and the Mine Hill is climb from there. My anemia, more than any thing else, makes it somewhat of a trudge, however, I persisted.

Mackay is located in the Big Lost River Valley with  the Big Lost River running through it. On one side of the valley are the Lost River Range mountains and the other side of the valley is the Challis National Forest. The width of the valley is about 6-7 miles across between these two mountain ranges.

Kemmer is glad to be home in Mackay, Idaho on the Mine Hill Road (an old mining road that runs from the city of Mackay proper up to the White Knob mountains in the Challis National Forest). May 27 2011. The mountain in the background is called White Knob and is part of the Challis-National Forest. The mine is closed now, but was a major producer of copper in its day.
Mackay, Idaho from Mine Hill. The tall mountain in the background is part of the Lost River Range and named Mt. McCaleb (elevation 11,682 feet - one of highest mountains in Idaho)

Bone Density Results from test done on May 11 2011

The results of my Bone Density Test done at Skyline in Loveland reveals that I continue to be osteopenic since my last test 2 years ago with no change in my hip bone and some decrease in my spine. Recommendations include to continue Calcium with Vitamin D and weight bearing exercise.

It has been known that I was osteopenic since I broke my left arm in July of 2002. I have been getting screening bone density tests every 2 years since that time. I still have all that hardware in my left arm.

Results of more tests on my blood drawn May 18 2011

I have no idea what this all means, but here are the results from my blood which was drawn on May 18 2011 and sent to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and another lab in Brentwood, Tennessee.

Arrived home in Mackay, Idaho just after 4 PM May 26 2011

Arriving in Mackay, Idaho from Greeley, Colorado. A 680 mile trip with just two stops along the way in Rawlins, Wyoming and Cokeville, Wyoming. My bone marrow biopsy site still hurts, but improving each day.

Everything is finally GREEN in Mackay after our LONG, COLD, WHITE winter. No lilacs yet. 50 degrees.

You know you're home in Idaho when you find a dead skunk in the yard - almost petrified, but still STINKIN'
I get to stay home for 9 days before I will have to return to Colorado to get the results of the staging bone marrow biopsy with dna and chromosomal testing.

I need to get my new fruit trees (3 apricot and 3 plum) and 4 lilacs planted before I return to Colorado.

However, before the planting can happen, my fence needs to be extended so the mule deer won't have such an easy time munching my new trees. Kemmer is delighted to home.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Heading home to Mackay, Idaho May 26 2011

Dropping off my 24-hour urine in Ft. Collins and heading home with Kemmer.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy Site after bandage came off May 25 2011

Just need to leave the bandage on for 24 hours. Pretty unremarkable hole left behind.

24 Hour Urine Test for Protein Electrophoresis May 25 2011

I started the 24 hour urine test this morning. You have to discard the first void of the day and then save all the urine you make for 24 hours until the first void of the next day which you save. All of the urine has to be cooled - so, they suggest a cooler in the bathroom with ice. They gave me this hat to catch the urine in and 2 big bottles to collect it in.

Skeletal Survey X-Ray Results May 24 2011

My skeletal survey x-ray results came back this afternoon - ALL NORMAL! This has to be good news in the sea of bad news.
My skeletal series x-rays were read by Samuel E. Fuller, MD.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy for Staging May 24 2011

Dr. Moore was able to get me in for a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy in his office at noon May 24 2011. They do the bone marrow and bone biospy to stage the multiple myeloma which has 3 stages (1 is better than 2, better than 3). They will also do DNA studies for cytogenetics on the sample which will be sent to Califonia. Will not have the results back for 7-10 days and I made an appointment for June 6, 2001 4 PM to get the results. Nothing will happen in the treatment department until the results are back.

Jani went with me. Here we are in the waiting room.
First, they drew more blood and had the results STAT (fast). They had to poke me 3 times (3 different workers) before they got my blood. AGAIN, I look way too happy!

Still anemic, even a little more than last week, however, I think I've had 20 vials of blood drawn since the beginning of all this.

The bone marrow aspiration and biopsy May 24 2011 by Dr. Moore in his office.

They have a small room with a bed that has a soft mattress. Jani was able to wait in the room with me until the procedure began. This the bone marrow tray they used which has the instructions on it just in case - I guess~
Inside the tray from the internet.
The position I was in for the procedure  - on my left side curled up - not uncomfortable at all to be in this position.

Waiting briefly for Dr. Moore to come in to start the procedure.

I listened to my iPod music during the procedure which was only done with local lidocaine at the area to numb it. I was very brave and I did NOT like the procedure at all! If any more are on the horizon for me - I'll insist on conscious sedation.
This next photo is from the internet, but it is exactly what happend to me.
This is my vial of bone marrow.
These are my bone marrow slides.
This is something called the bone marrow clot (it's mine too).
The last part was to get a 1 1/4 inch piece of bone out of my iliac crest. It looks like a Shay railroad spike to me.
My bone biospsy - 1 and 1/4 inch long. While he was getting the bone, YMCA was playing on my iPod - not ENOUGH DISTRACTION though.
Taped me up too much after the procedure - I think they forgot that I have tape listed as an allergy.
Jani, showing me the pictures of the biopsy since I had to lay flat for 20 minutes after the procedure.
We were out of there at 1:10 PM - would have been faster if they'd gotten my blood on the first poke. Dr. Moore's part went flawlessly.
Came home and Jani tried to trim the excess tape over the bone marrow site. Have to leave the tape on for 24 hours. While she was doing this with scissors, she cut my skin and I YELPED LOUDLY~

Tape trim job ala my sister, Jani
I'm glad that is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dr. Moore, Hematology/Oncology Calls Me at 7:45 AM May 23 2011

Dr. Moore called me and confirmed to his surprise that my blood workup revealed multiple myeloma. I talked to my former boss, Sandy Baird, who was diagnosed and treated for multiple myeloma 12 years ago and her experience gives me a a lot of hope. She relapsed recently, but will begin treatments again next week.

He ordered a skeletal survey and I went to the Imaging Center at Harmony to have the series of 16 head-to-toe x-rays.
Note the new diagnosis: Multiple Myeloma without achieving remission 
The technician at the Imaging Center was so nice to me and the 16 x-rays didn't take very long at all.

Friday, May 20, 2011

EGD (Swallow the Camera Test) May 20 2011

I was only able to get an appointment right away for an EGD at the Harmony Gastrointestinal Center because one of my nursing friends' significant other is a doctor in the practice. Their practice is quite busy and unless the procedure is a medical emergency, a person might have to wait a couple of weeks to get an appointment. At any rate, knowing someone helped in my case and I had the EGD (swallow the camera test) under conscious sedation on Friday, May 20 2011 by Dr. Joseph X. Jenkins.
My sister, Jani, took me to the EDG appointment. The anesthesiologist, Kimberlee Olson, MD started an IV on the first poke after numbing it with xylocaine (SO NICE!).
before the procedure.
I discussed with Dr. Olsen that I had a problem with Diprivan anesthetic (my heart stopped 3 times during a sinus surgery with Diprivan). She said they would use Fentyl and Versed instead.

I know, I look way too HAPPY!
After the procedure.
The EGD test came back normal and no source of blood loss was located. You get the results immediately on discharge.

Blood Test Results from May 18 2011 - Consist with Multiple Myeloma

Because I had signed up for the "See My Chart" program, I was able to see my blood test results as they came back on my computer. I was surprised to see that they had been sent to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

My WBC (white blood cell count) was low at 3.6 (norms 4-10); hemoglobin 11.3 (norms 12-16); platelets normal at 194 (norms 150-440);

Still anemic, but some better on May 18 2011

No evidence of iron deficiency anemia.

Immunoglobulin Light Chains were all abnormal. IG Kappa Free Light Chain high at  2.07 (norms 0.33-1.94); IG Lambda Free Light Chain low at 0.0296 (norms 0.57-2.63); and Kappa/Lambda Free Light Chain Ratio high at 69.9 (norms 0.26-1.65). Not sure what this means at this time.
My first indication that my blood work was consisted with multiple myeloma. M Spike high at 3.0 (norm 0).

Stool test for blood over 3 days: NEGATIVE

I was glad I had time to think about and digest the blood test results before I talked to Dr. Moore. On Sunday evening, I was SURPRISED to find Dr. Moore's email address on his web page for the Front Range Cancer Center. I sent him an email that I would like for him to call me to discuss the blood results - not fully believing he would EVER see the email.