jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Bone Marrow Biopsy Site Day 4

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Bone Marrow Biopsy Site Day 4

It has been 4 days since my bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. The site on my right posterior iliac crest is still sore, but much improved. Still taking acetaminophen which helps. I'm unable to take anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drugs like Ibuprofen and Advil because of my previous history of GI bleed. 

The pain at my bone marrow site has not limited my activity. Was able to walk part of the Mine Hill here in Mackay, Idaho yesterday. Mackay sits just below 6,000 feet and the Mine Hill is climb from there. My anemia, more than any thing else, makes it somewhat of a trudge, however, I persisted.

Mackay is located in the Big Lost River Valley with  the Big Lost River running through it. On one side of the valley are the Lost River Range mountains and the other side of the valley is the Challis National Forest. The width of the valley is about 6-7 miles across between these two mountain ranges.

Kemmer is glad to be home in Mackay, Idaho on the Mine Hill Road (an old mining road that runs from the city of Mackay proper up to the White Knob mountains in the Challis National Forest). May 27 2011. The mountain in the background is called White Knob and is part of the Challis-National Forest. The mine is closed now, but was a major producer of copper in its day.
Mackay, Idaho from Mine Hill. The tall mountain in the background is part of the Lost River Range and named Mt. McCaleb (elevation 11,682 feet - one of highest mountains in Idaho)

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