jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Chemotherapy Day 2 of Cycle 1 - Velcade June 16 2011

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Chemotherapy Day 2 of Cycle 1 - Velcade June 16 2011

Came to Dr. Moore's office for my second Chemotherapy Day of Cycle 1 - Aloxi,  Decadron, and Velcade.

We look like the traveling circus - Jani fills the little cooler filled with snacks and drinks, her backpack with lots of stuff and extra clothing, a bag with a blanklet and pillow for me at chemotherapy, my laptop, our iPhones, and my camera.
I had to have my blood drawn first at the lab across the way from Dr. Moore's office. I swear they are going to bleed me dry!

My CBC results over the last month May 18 2011 to June 16 2011
I didn't want them to use my port because it is so painful.

So, one attempt at a peripheral (arm) IV was made without success.

Dr. Moore asked the oncology nurses to evaluate my port this morning. All 3 oncology nurses (Nurse Alison, Nurse Robin, and Nurse Diane) looked at my new port site and decided that the redness may be due to the steri-strips (tape) over the small incision - so, Nurse Diane pulled those off.
She talked me in to letting her use the port for the chemotherapy today. Putting the Huber needle through was painful, but not that bad - yet, the whole port hurts on my right chest wall beneath my collar bone.
I had the Velcade chemotherapy, Aloxi (long-acting acting-nausea), and Decadron (steroid) thorugh my port.
We were there through lunch and Jani made us turkey sandwiches. I felt better today and didn't not have a fever or chills. Perhaps the Decadron (steroid) accounts for that - or maybe my reaction yesterday was from the Zometa (bone building medication).

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