jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Chemotherapy with Velcade and Revlimid can cause peripheral neuropathy

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chemotherapy with Velcade and Revlimid can cause peripheral neuropathy

Chemotherapy with Velcade and Revlimid can cause peripheral neuropathy (pins, needles, numbness feeling in toes, feet, and hands). In an attempt to prevent this, I am taking L-Glutamine Powder 3 times a day in a cold beverage. You cannot put the L-Glutamine in warm or hot beverages as it will destroy the amino acid.

I have been very consistent with my L-Glutamine doses. Interestingly, I had a pre-existing (prior to multiple myeloma diagnosis) zinging sensation in my left big toe that I attributed to the consequence of stepping on a two-inch nail that went through my shoe and almost entirely through my foot back in July 2005 that has disappeared since I started the L-Glutamine.  I had to be hospitalized for several days for intravenous antibiotics for that foot infection.

I put 2 teaspoons (20 grams) of L-Glutamine Powder in a cold beverage - it doesn't seem to alter the taste of whatever I put it in (juice, protein shake, etc). I am also taking B6 100 mg and B12 250 mcg daily for the prevention of neuropathy.

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