jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Intravenous access port surgical implant day Pre-Operative June 13 2011

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Intravenous access port surgical implant day Pre-Operative June 13 2011

Ready for the day ahead. I'm a tad nervous, but not bad.
jm at o'dark thirty June 13 2011
Jani and I got up at 5:30 AM to shower and pack our picnic lunch for Bart (2006 Honda Pilot). Jani and I left home in Greeley, Colorado at 6:20 AM and arrived at the Harmony Surgical Center in Fort Collins just before 7 AM. We found a great parking place that will be under the shade of a tree around 10 AM when I'm discharged with the new intravenous port.
Harmony Surgical Center in the Ambulatory Care Center, Fort Collins, Colorado. Was delighted to see Jane Koeckeritz outside the entrance to surprise me. Jane and I used to teach together at the University of Northern Colorado and she lives in Fort Collins.
jm and Jane Koeckeritz Harmony Surgical Center June 13 2011
Jane Koeckeritz sat with Jani and I while I filled out the history form for about the 18th time in the last 3 weeks!

When the nurse called Jani and I back, Jane left for her new 1/2 time job as a community care coordinator.

We got the ENTHUSIASM ROOM at the Harmony Surgical Center - very fitting for my Adventure theme!

Waiting for the IV insertion in my arm for anesthesia so they can place the port in my chest surgically.
Peripheral (left arm) IV in on first poke after a little numbing medicine injection first.
Cozy with 2 warm blankets - nice touch.
And of course, my sister, Jani, to entertain me.

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