jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: CBC with Differential just before Chemotherapy (Velcade, Decadron, Aloxi) Day 2 in Cycle 2 July 7 2011

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

CBC with Differential just before Chemotherapy (Velcade, Decadron, Aloxi) Day 2 in Cycle 2 July 7 2011

Was surprised that my hemoglobin (HGB) had only dropped to 9.0 from 9.3 after all the blood that was drawn yesterday. My white count is still low, but on the high side of low.
Tried out one of the private chemotherapy rooms today and DID NOT LIKE IT - much better out in the airy big and NOISY room~


  1. I have so many questions... With chromosomal deletions/translocations, did you docs ever consider scrapping transplant idea. Or was that added ammunition to push full speed ahead? Glad you like to walk so much--and in such a beautiful place! Best of luck- Pat

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