jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Finished 14 days of Revlimid (July 5-18 2011)

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Finished 14 days of Revlimid (July 5-18 2011)

I finished my first 14 day supply of Revlimid tonight. I started on July 5 2011. On day July 9 2011 (Day 5), my scalp felt like it was on fire with itching and I broke out with hives on my torso, back and thighs. I took Benadryl with the Revlimid after that so I could continue taking the all important medicine. On July 16 2011 (Day 12), I took one Zyrtec pill for the Revlimid rash and itching which was the WRONG thing to do. I had a TERRIBLE REACTION to Zyrtec and will never take it AGAIN! On July 18 2011 (Day 14), my Revlimid rash has dissipated and the areas of the largest hives has turned to thickened red skin.

Now, I am off all chemotherapy for 7 days until July 26 2011 when I will start my 3rd cycle of Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi and my 2nd cycle of Revlimid (14 days out of every 21).

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