jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Jani finished up the rock landscaping around my house today July 20 2011

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jani finished up the rock landscaping around my house today July 20 2011

In April of 2011, I started a HUGE landscaping project around my house. Removing old landscape plastic, a ton of dirt, and a layer of existing good rock. I worked so hard that I got callouses on my hands despite work gloves. Each afternoon after working, I would be exhausted and often took a long nadir (nap). I had only about 1/2 the project completed when I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. At least after the diagnosis, I had an excuse for all those afternoon nadirs~

Jani has worked hard and long on completing the project before our big 150th Birthday Party for my father, Frank aka Paco and myself. Paco is 90 and I'm 60 = 150th which will be held in the yard here at my house on Friday, July 22 2011.

Kemmer sitting on the new landscape fabric.
The new rocks I had delivered.
 Jani's rock story via her iPhone July 20 2011
 The last corner finally done July 20 2011 - ready for the 150th Birthday Party!

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