jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: A New Problem - Itchin'in Colorado July 9 2011

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

A New Problem - Itchin'in Colorado July 9 2011

I took my 5th daily dose of 14 of Revlimid 25 mg this morning. By mid-morning, my scalp was itching. By mid-afternoon, I felt like the skin on my torso was scalded as if someone had SLAPPED me HARD all over. I called Sandy Baird to ask if she ever had an itchy scalp from Revlimid and she said she hadn't, but that her pharmacist suggested she have steroid cream on hand just in case.

I looked online and everything said if you developed itching, you should let your health care provider know right away. So,called my oncologist’s office and got an automated answering machine that said to PUSH 3 if calling after hours (it’s Saturday), so I pushed 3 and IMMEDIATELY, I heard, “This is Dr. Moore.” I asked the male voice if this was the answering service for Dr. Moore and he said, "NO, this is Dr. Moore." I couldn’t believe my good fortune –since Dr. Moore is my ULTRA FINE oncologist and just happened to be on call today and answered the phone himself.

I told Dr. Moore about the itching and he suggested I rub my head with either Benadryl cream or steroid cream and take a Benadryl pill. Jani sprayed my scalp with steroid spray and I took the Benadryl 25 mg at 5:30 PM and slept until 9 PM which is totally NOT ME~!  I still feel like my skin is scalded…but, I’m not itching as much. Dr. Moore really wants me to try and work through the itching and stay on Revlimid because I need it.  I’m just hoping I can tolerate it or the Benadryl.  A little medicine has always gone a long way with me – and it is not surprising that the Benadryl did me in tonight. I also clipped my fingernails short, so if I do scratch, I won't do as much damage.

Maybe I should take the Revlimid at night along with Benadryl instead of in the morning. I think I'm going to try that out tomorrow - skipping my morning dose and not taking it until bedtime along with a Benadryl pill.

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