jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Chemotherapy Day 4 of Cycle 3 - Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi August 4 2011

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chemotherapy Day 4 of Cycle 3 - Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi August 4 2011

My CBC today has the first normal WBC (white blood cell) count since my diagnosis. I continue anemic, but not as bad with Hemoglobin at 10.1 (norm 12-16) and Hematocrit 30.4 (norm 37-47). My platelets (clotting) have dropped below normal at 143 (norm 150-400), so I'll have to be careful not to bump in to things.
 Chemotherapy Day 4 of Cycle 3 - Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi August 4 2011. I drove myself to chemotherapy today and felt fine. My taster has been off for some time and is really "OFF" now - I'm enjoying the smell of food and the texture since I CANNOT taste it.
We did a test of Tegaderm clear film today on my left chest while I was at chemo. The Tegaderm was on for about 1 1/2 hours and when we took it off, it appears that my skin did not react to it - Yippee~

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