jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Stem Cell Harvest Day 3 - August 18 2011

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Stem Cell Harvest Day 3 - August 18 2011

Again up at o'dark thirty for the 70 mile drive from Greeley, Colorado to Aurora, Colorado. The distance is further because I am paying to take the E470 Toll Road which adds about 10 miles but, cuts traffic DRAMATICALLY~

I arrived at the University of Colorado Apheresis Department shortly after 7 AM. Jessica Jones and Martin Bromley got me hooked up to the machine after they drew my blood from my Trifusion Hickman Catheter.

 jm and Martin Bromley at the UCH Apheresis Department August 18 2011

Day 2 of Stem Cell Collection yesterday yielded an actual value of 3.68 million stem cells. So, we hoped to collect 3.30 million today which would bring the total value to nearly 8 million stem cells.

My electrolytes were somewhat off and Martin hooked me up to additional potassium and magnesium which ran over several hours. My bones ache from the Neupogen and I'm a tad tired, but really I was fine~
Apheresis machine on left with potassium and magnesium running via IV Pump on the right

When my time on the machine was up, Cassie from the stem cell lab ClinImmune came to pick up my stem cells. She is always right on time and very nice. She told me that she had processed my stem cells from yesterday and they were safely in their freezer.

Martin Bromley and Cassie with my stem cells August 18 2018

Jessica Jones gave me Neupogen 780 mcg (2 injections) before my apheresis session was up and signed me up to return tomorrow for Day 4 Stem Cell Harvest to complete the 10 million.

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