jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Tape Allergy is a concern as I approach the Trifusion Catheter Insertion for Stem Cell Harvest

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tape Allergy is a concern as I approach the Trifusion Catheter Insertion for Stem Cell Harvest

My severe Tape Allergy is a concern as I approach the Trifusion Catheter Insertion on August 12 2011. I sent Dana Godec, RN, Transplant Coordinator at the University of Colorado photos of my skin reaction to the tape and steri strips used during the placement of my Bard Power Port in my right chest on June 14 2011. In addition, I ran a fever of 101.2 until the tape and steri strips were removed and my temperature returned to normal.

The only type of tape that seems NOT to react on me is Durapore Silk Tape. I bought several rolls online and take it to my chemotherapy sessions each time. I am also Latex Sensitive. Dana wants me to test Tegaderm on my skin prior to the Trifusion Catheter Insertion.

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