jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Trifusion Hickman Catheter Care Day 2 August 13 2011

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trifusion Hickman Catheter Care Day 2 August 13 2011

I was able to flush the 3 ports of my new Trifusion Hickman Catheter (Day 2) with Heparin Lock Flush Solution, 100 unit/ml without difficulty. I will have to flush the 3 ports daily with Heparin Lock Solution. I'm not supposed to change the dressings over the Trifusion Hickman Catheter sites until I return to the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) on Tuesday where they will do it and teach me how to do it in the future. I'm not to shower for 48 hours which is hard for me since I like the shower.

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