jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Trifusion Hickman Catheter Placement August 12 2011

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Trifusion Hickman Catheter Placement August 12 2011

Jani and I got up at o'dark thirty and drove the 1 hour 15 minutes to the University of Colorado Hospital for a 7:00 AM check-in at Interventional Radiology. Although, they had a live person sitting at the desk, he was helping another patient and we checked in via a touch screen computer.
Caroline, RN tapped my Bard Power Port in my right chest and sent a blood sample off to the lab pre-procedure for the Trifusion Hickman Catheter to be placed in my left chest this morning. My labs are as good as they have ever been. I'm still anemic, but less so.

Caroline, RN also ran 600 mg of Cleocin (antibiotic) in before the procedure.
A nurse practitioner, Kendra, put my Trifusion Hickman Catheter in this morning in Interventional Radiology at the University of Colorado Hospital. She was very nice and the procedure went well with conscious sedation given by Jenny, RN.
I returned to the pre-procedure area where Jani joined me again. I had the same nurse, Caroline, RN who gave me grape juice and a granola bar to eat.

jm with Interventional Radiology RN, Caroline August 12 2011. After about an hour of recovery, Caroline found a wheelchair for me and Jani wheeled me to my next 2 appointments for the day. Caroline, RN was very nice, calm, and expert at what she does.

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