jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Walked 1.23 Miles Prior to Hospitalization August 23 2011

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Walked 1.23 Miles Prior to Hospitalization August 23 2011

Walked 1.23 miles with Jani and the dogs this morning before we left for the University of Colorado Hospital where I will be an inpatient for 4 days through Saturday August 27 2011.

I will be receiving the VDT-PACE chemotherapy regimen consisting of Velcade IV, Decadron IV, Thalidomide by mouth, Cisplatin (P) IV, Adriamycin IV, Cytoxan IV, and Etopside IV in and attempt to get the cancer load in my bone marrow down to ZERO before I harvest stem cell again. Don't send flowers - they are not allowed on the oncology floor.
Jani and jm in front of house in Greeley Colorado August 23 2011

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