jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Day 22 - Update Blood Tests - October 5 2011

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 22 - Update Blood Tests - October 5 2011

Jani drove me back to the University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora, Colorado early this morning to have my blood tested again. Everything is progressing well. My white blood cell count is slightly higher at 2.8, my platelets at 138, and my hemoglobin is almost normal at 11.8 (norms 12.1-16.3). Maybe, I'll actually not be anemic soon which has been my constant state since at least May 12 2011. My absolute neutrophil count (ANC) remains at 1.4.
My protein and albumin levels are both normal today, so I'm eating enough protein - WooHoo. However, I am always nauseated and have to force myselt to eat anything. We can credit those lab values to my sister, Jani - who is always thinking about what she can feed me.

After the blood work was complete, we saw Nurse Practitioner Karlie and she thought that I was doing so well, that I could go from every other day blood testing to weekly testing. So, we do not have to return until next Wednesday ~ I'll use those extra days to strengthen myself with walking several times a day. Karlie thought it best that I wear a mask anytime I'm outside. Wearing a mask is not my cup of tea - but, I'll do it!

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