jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Day 64 - Halleluyah, I Think~ November 16 2011

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 64 - Halleluyah, I Think~ November 16 2011

UCH called with my appointment to have my Trifusion Hickman Catheter removed - Tuesday, November 22 2011 - Halleluyah~!  Now, I'll just think POSITIVE about the blood clots (I have 2, one larger and one smaller) in my heart not causing any problems during the catheter removal.

I drove myself to UCH to take my 24-hour urine in and to get my Trifusion Hickman Catheter dressing changed. Afterwards, I stopped to pick up some insurance forms from Amy, the Social Worker. Amy has really been helpful.

I was in and out of UCH in less than 40 minutes - a RECORD~

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