jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Weekly Blood Results and How My Week Went - February 15 2012

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weekly Blood Results and How My Week Went - February 15 2012

My blood remains pretty good. My white blood cells remain low at 2.8 (norms 4-11.2); platelets are slightly low at 136 (norms 140-440); hemoglobin normal at 13.3 (norms 12-16).
 My LDH is normal at 468 (norms 313-618). My liver enzyme ALT/SGPT is slightly elevated at 61 (norms 9-52) - again, I think this is because of the daily Fragmin 12,500 units that I inject daily to prevent blood clots. My serum chloride is slightly elevated at 111 (norms 98-110).
I had a bit of break through shingles on my right forearm. I took an extra famciclovir 250 mg each day for the last 4 days and the shingles have dried up. I just finished Maintenance Chemotherapy Cycle 3 of 14 days of Revlimid 10 mg  on February 13 2012. I have no chemotherapy at all for 14 days (February 14 to 26) and then on February 27 2012 I will begin Cycle 2 of the intravenous Velcade/Dex/Zometa.
I have been walking daily and have been able to make it to the Cattle Guard on the Mine Hill several times - that walk has an elevation gain of 316 feet.
Here are some geese that I saw one day against our crystal blue skies.
My hair continues to grow SLOWLY.  I continue to feel well. I get tired in the late afternoon and evening and I'm still going to bed before 9 PM!

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