jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Velcade Subcutaneously - March 7 2012

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Velcade Subcutaneously - March 7 2012

I had my second dose of Velcade subcutaneously yesterday, March 6 2012. This is how my right arm looks almost 24 hours later.

This is my left arm where I had my first Velcade subcutaneously on 27 February 2012. The bruised area on the far right of the photo below is a discoloration left over from a Fragmin injection.


  1. My husband was diagnosed in 2009. Since then he has been on Revlimid/Dexamethasone with good results up until recently. His oncologist has taken him off the Revlimid and will decide at out next appointment in five weeks what will be the next course of action. He did mention Velcade. Could any of you comment about being off Revlimid and then taking Velcade. The Revlimid is not working as well, plus it appears my husband has built up so much toxicity in his body. Also, the fatigue has become very debilitating, something he has never experienced since his diagnosis. Thank you.

  2. Dear Anonymous, I think the best place to pose your questions would be
    This website is very good about providing answers.
    Best of luck to you and your husband. jm
