Arrived at the UCH BIC for blood draw at 8:30 AM. I gave a stool sample since I still have a lot of movement south requiring daily 2mg of Imodium.
Then we waited in the exam room for the lab results and my appointment with Nurse Practitioner Karley. I felt weak and tired. I wish I felt better, but today is only Day 17.
My hair is growing a tad (photo with magnification).
My lab results were very good for Day 17. My white blood cell count is 3.1 (norms 4-11.1); hemoglobin 12 (norms 12.1-16.3); and platelets 194 (norms 150-400). Just about the closest to normal labs that I have had for the last year.

My ANC is normal at 2.0 (norms 1.8-6.6)

My stool sample was negative for CDifficile Toxin, so that was good.

My diet has been good as my protein and albumin are within normal limits. However, the dietitian has told us that these blood tests are NOT GOOD INDICATORS of nutritional status.

NP Karley spent a lot of time with us and answered all of our questions. She thinks I might have to add compazine to control my nausea. However, I took some compazine after my VD-PACE and it really put me out for too long --- so, I'm going to try to go without it.
Karley thinks I'm doing well for Day 17 post ASCT and said it will take a long time for me to recover since it is my 2nd ASCT. The sores on my tongue are going to require treatment doses of acyclovir for 5 days (during this time, I will not take Famciclovir). My sick tongue has my entire self sick!
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