jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 105 - August 31 2012

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Friday, August 31, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 105 - August 31 2012

Slept great last night and was pain free this morning from my root canal. 

Our air quality in Mackay, Idaho is much improved. It must be the wind since there are MANY forest first burning north of us. This is a NASA photo from August 28 2012
I walked Kemmer on the Mine Hill. I wore my mask even though the air seemed better.


  1. So glad to hear that your tooth is doing better!

  2. Thanks Amber. It really hurt a lot until I took "industrial strength" anti-inflammatory - dexamethasone" - one advantage to having cancer is pharmacy at home! The pain is much better today (Saturday, 9/1/12). Thanks again for your concern. I saw your wonderful Mom at Ivies this week! jm

  3. Totally love the picture of Kemmer on the rock with Mt. McCaleb in the background.

  4. Kemmer is actually quite cooperative with photos - my best subject! Thanks, jm
