jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 108 - Zolinza (Vorinostat) - September 4 2012

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 108 - Zolinza (Vorinostat) - September 4 2012

I started Zolina (Vorinostat) 400 mg by mouth today at 12:30 PM. I took it with 10 mg of dexamethasone and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Then I got the subcutaneous Velcade in my left arm.

By 6 PM, I had an all-over type headache. I took 500 mg of Tylenol without any relief and then 1/2 Percocet at 7:30 PM. That helped a tad, but I still had the headache. Tried to drink tons of fluids since I came home from Twin Falls today.

The left side of my back at the waist hurts - but, that might be related to moving a pile of wood TWICE yesterday.

I also notice that my taste my be alittle off this evening too. Sure hope the Zolinza side effects aren't too bad since I have to take it every day for 14 days and then 14 days off!

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