jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 117 - September 12 2012

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 117 - September 12 2012

I got my faxed copies of my LDH and Comprehensive Chem Panel results from 4 Sept 2012. My LDH is HIGH at 661 (norms 313-618), which I'm sure is not good, but probably goes with my increased M-Spike from 0.1 to 03 drawn the same day. The University of Colorado Hospital draws LDH with each Chem Panel, but I think I've only had this LDH drawn at St. Luke's MSTI, in Twin Falls, Idaho.
In addition, as I mentioned on 4 Sept 2012, my creatinine (a measure of kidney function) was slightly elevated at 1.09 (norms 0.52-1.04). My BUN (another kidney function test was normal and the ratio (BUN/Creatinine Ratio) of the two kidney function tests was normal - so, maybe not a concern).  My GFR was normal at 

Dr. Padavanija repeated my Chem Panel  on 7 Sept 2012...and my creatinine was even HIGHER at 1.26 (norms 0.52-1.04) and my BUN was HIGH at 20 (norms 7-17). --- GOOD GOOD for me! However, the ratio between BUN/Creatinine was okay and my GFR was okay at 46. Dr. Padavanija and I wondered if I was dehydrated at the time of the blood draw.
So, on 11 Sept 2012, I tried to arrive at the blood draw hydrated when a repeat Chem Panel revealed not much improvement in my creatinine at 1.23 (norms 0.52-1.04), BUN 26 (norms  7-17) and the BUN/Creatinine Ratio slightly elevated at 21 (norms 10-20). My GFR still okay at 47.
So, perhaps my new chemo pill, Zolinza (vorinostat) which I started on 4 Sept 2012, is having a negative effect on my kidneys, but doesn't explain the slightly high creatinine on 4 Sept 2012 because my blood was drawn prior to my 1st dose of Zolinza (vorinostat). I have taken 9 days of  the 14 day course of Zolinza (vorinostat) so far.

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