jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 128 - September 23 2012

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 128 - September 23 2012

Forest fire smoke lifted some and I was able to walk Kemmer on the Mine Hill this morning for 1.38 miles. Jonah in the distance.
Honest, these are pictures from today...even though they look just like every picture I ever take of Kemmer and me.
 Not a single car on Mackay Main Street this Sunday morning at 10 AM.
It RAINED - YEA!!!! And I saw 9 (NINE) eagles flying over my house this afternoon - NINE of them!!!! It was WONDERFUL.

We can only hope it rained over the forest fires north of Mackay too!

My father's left leg is quite swollen compared to his right, but it is warm to the touch and has a pulse in his foot - so, not to worry right now.
 He felt well enough to mow his lawn this afternoon before it rained.
Felt good all day except for overwhelming fatigue around 4 PM and I napped for 45 minutes. 

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