jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 135 - September 30 2012

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 135 - September 30 2012

Feeling much better today - no spacey feeling and the swelling I had in my face and body seems to be letting up (I'm sure Neurontin related). I had more neuropathy burning in my left foot and leg, but I took a plain Tylenol (acetaminophen) and that helped.

I helped at the Mackay Food Bank to fill and label the boxes.
I walked Kemmer twice today. This morning, we walked the BLM Road South from the Mine Hill Cattle Guard (1.38 miles) and this evening from home to the Big Lost River Smelter Bridge (1.30). My legs are getting stronger, but they still aren't my "OLD LEGS".


  1. So glad to hear you were feeling much better today. Ah-h-h-h!

  2. Thanks Marsha. I really do feel better - all that I experienced was a drug side-effect. I was not made to take drugs! jm
