jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Cycle 1 Week 3 Day 2 Carfilzomib and Dex - November 14 2012

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cycle 1 Week 3 Day 2 Carfilzomib and Dex - November 14 2012

Got to love dex! Couldn't sleep at the Quality Inn in Twin Falls and finally at 2 AM, just turned on the lights and worked on my genealogy files at I'm making good progress on that front! It is better not to fight dex.

Along with decreased urine output last night, I felt bloated and swollen in my gut. As I walked in to my 9 AM appointment at St. Luke's Hospital MSTI, my heart was pounding and I was a tad out of breath which didn't seem to get better as I waited for the invitation to go back to the Infusion Area.

Once back in the Infusion Area, they weighed me and I had gained 4 pounds in 24 hours, my pulse was a sustained 90 something and although I had no swelling in my feet, my face and gut were swollen. RN Letia spoke with Dr. Padavanija and they decided it would be best if I took 20 mg of Lasix (diuretic). She wrote me a prescription for Lasix and cautioned me to take it only sparingly since my kidney function is not totally normal.

They were able to order a LDH on the blood that they drew from me yesterday. Good news, the LDH for 13 Nov 2012 is down to 615 (norms 313-618). It was 639 last week, down from a HIGH of 1,046 the week before.
RN Letia was able to use my IV that was placed yesterday by RN Vicki. I received fluids, followed by the Carfilzomid (Kyprolis) at 20 mg / metered squared dosage, followed by more fluids (a total of 1,000 ml of fluids plus the fluids the medications were in). I took 4 mg of Dex by mouth.

I was able to leave by 11:30 AM. Went to Walmart to pick up my Lasix prescription and headed out of Twin Falls, Idaho for home in Mackay, Idaho at noon.

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