jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: February 2012

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Walk Log February 21 to 27 2012

Walked this week for a total of 18.8 miles.

1st Subcutaneous Velcade Injection - February 27 2012

I had my first subcutaneous Velcade injection in the back of my left arm yesterday, February 27 2012. The medicine is a bit stingy on the way in, but resolves quickly. This is a picture of my arm 20 hours after the injection. It looks red, but it does not hurt. This started my 2nd Cycle of Maintenance Chemotherapy Velcade once a week for 4 weeks.
I also received 20 mg of Dex intravenously and Zometa yesterday February 27 2012. Zometa makes me ache all over and feel like I have the "flu" for 24-48 hours and this time was no different.

I start 14 days of Revlimid 10 mg tonight, February 28 2012.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Labs from February 27 2012

My white count continues abnormally low at 2.3 (norms 4.1-10.9) and my ANC is 1 (norms 2-7.8). My platelets are a little low at 123 (norms 140-440). My hemoglobin is still normal at 13.2 (norms 12-18).  I won't have the multiple myeloma lab results until next Monday.

 My LDH continues high this week at 303 (norms 135-225). They ran a CRP Test which is new (C-Reactive Protein) and was high at 0.22 mg/dL (norms 0-1.0 mg/dL). I don't think these are good signs, but I do not know.

SPEP - M-Spike Values from January 16 2012

When I went to my appointment at the Salmon River Oncology today, they had my SPEP and M-Spike values from January 16 2012 which I thought they did not order. My M-Spike is at 0.15 on January 16 2012 and it was 0.10 on 1 December 2011. They drew the SPEP and M-Spike again today, February 27 2012, but I will not have the results until next week.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blood Results for Today and Over Time - February 22 2012

Had my blood drawn today and decided to make a spreadsheet of all my results since I returned to Idaho after my stem cell transplant in Colorado. I've highlighted all the abnormal results in yellow. The only value that concerns me is the LDH value of today, February 22 2012. The LDH is at 672 (norms 313-618). I've decided not to worry about it until my next blood draw which will include my multiple myeloma markers (Beta 2 Microglobulins, Immunoglobulins A, G, M, and Kappa Light Chains) on Monday, February 27 2012.

This week, my white blood cell count continues below normal at 2.1 (norms 4-11.2) and my platelets have improved this week at 172 (norms 140-440). My hemoglobin in normal at 13.5 (norms 12-16).

I continue to walk daily. I walked a total of 16.77 miles, mostly on the Mine Hill with elevation gain. 
I've not been on any chemotherapy drugs this week. However, 2 days after I finished up my last 14 days of Revlimid on 13 February 2012, I woke with a terrible spasm in my low back similar to the spasm I had in late July 2011 after a revlimid cycle. Required pain pills to get me through it and I was pretty much better in 48 hours. I hung upside down on my inversion table once which I didn't know if I should do considering that I still have the blood clot in the right atrium of my heart. I continue to have pain in the back of my left leg and "creepy legs" at night. My shingles breakout of last week has healed with the extra 250 mg of famciclovir. 

Dr. Myint at UCH has approved me getting my next cycle of Velcade (same dosage) subcutaneously vs intravenously. I hope this helps the neuropathy in my finger tips from getting any worse.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weekly Blood Results and How My Week Went - February 15 2012

My blood remains pretty good. My white blood cells remain low at 2.8 (norms 4-11.2); platelets are slightly low at 136 (norms 140-440); hemoglobin normal at 13.3 (norms 12-16).
 My LDH is normal at 468 (norms 313-618). My liver enzyme ALT/SGPT is slightly elevated at 61 (norms 9-52) - again, I think this is because of the daily Fragmin 12,500 units that I inject daily to prevent blood clots. My serum chloride is slightly elevated at 111 (norms 98-110).
I had a bit of break through shingles on my right forearm. I took an extra famciclovir 250 mg each day for the last 4 days and the shingles have dried up. I just finished Maintenance Chemotherapy Cycle 3 of 14 days of Revlimid 10 mg  on February 13 2012. I have no chemotherapy at all for 14 days (February 14 to 26) and then on February 27 2012 I will begin Cycle 2 of the intravenous Velcade/Dex/Zometa.
I have been walking daily and have been able to make it to the Cattle Guard on the Mine Hill several times - that walk has an elevation gain of 316 feet.
Here are some geese that I saw one day against our crystal blue skies.
My hair continues to grow SLOWLY.  I continue to feel well. I get tired in the late afternoon and evening and I'm still going to bed before 9 PM!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Weekly Blood Work and a Note - February 8 2012

My weekly blood work is all normal except for continuing low white blood cells at 2.4 (norms 4-11.2). My platelets are on the low side of normal at 148 (norms 140-440).
My LDH is normal at 432 (norms 313-618).

I walked 1.22 miles around town with Kemmer today. Since my blog is mainly turning in to a walk-log since I feel well, I have decided to go to weekly vs daily posts. Of course, if anything changes with my health, I'll post more often.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Walked 1.18 Miles - February 7 2012

Despite being tired, I walked Kemmer just to the Big Lost River Smelter Bridge (1.18 miles). The snow is beginning to melt and the mud is on - ugh.
I'm on Day 8 of 14 of my Revlimid 10 mg. My gastritis is much improved, but my skin has ITCHY, little red blotches here and there (several on my right arm and left side of my abdomen and one on my back). I put steroid cream on the itchy spots and that seems to help settle the ITCH some.

My Father - February 7 2012

My father, Frank (although, I call him Paco affectionately) has spinal stenosis and has constant pain in his back when he is standing or walking. He has had 2 previous back surgeries with little improvement. He is now investigating whether injections in to his spine would help to relieve his pain. However, this requires an MRI of his back. So at 11 AM, we drove across the desert to Bingham Memorial Hospital in Blackfoot, Idaho today for the test. The entire experience was great! His appointment was at 1 PM and we arrived early. He was quickly checked in via admissions and then wheeled over to Radiology where we filled out a 2-page questionnaire. Then, a very nice technician, Chris, came to take him to the MRI Scanner. Paco was in the scanner and ready to be scanned at 1 PM.
He was in the scanner about 25 minutes and then we were off for home - back across the desert at 1:30 PM arriving back in Mackay just before 3 PM. Paco's doctor will call him with the results.
If all my medical appointments went as smoothly as Paco's - everyone would LOVE medical care.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Right Atrial Heart Thrombus Unchanged - February 6 2012

Drove across the desert this morning for a repeat echocardiogram at Sandcreek Echo in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

The blood clot in the right atrium of my heart is unofficially (do not have the actual report read by the cardiologist yet) unchanged from last month. Good thing that I'm not worrying about it any more. I continue on daily injections of Fragmin 12,500 units even though the needles on the pre-packaged injections of Fragmin are the dullest needles in the world!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 6 of 14 for Revlimid 10 mg and Two Walks - February 5 2012

Tolerating the oral Revlimid 10 mg well this Maintenance Chemotherapy Cycle 3. Day 6 of 14 and my only real issues are some diarrhea and gastritis well controlled with Prilosec 40 mg and Zantac 150 mg twice a day on an empty stomach.

Extended my Mine Hill walk to 2.40 miles with 242 feet gain of elevation today. Kemmer and I walked to the Mackay Spring Gate on the Mine Hill just above the "S" Curve.
Before I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, I was walking to the Double Aerial Tramway Support and/or the Cattle Guard on the Mine Hill. I will be back to those distances some day soon.
Then, this afternoon, Kemmer and I walked here in town for 0.8 miles.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Looking Back and a Walk - February 4 2012

I have kept a journal for years and I was looking back at this time last year and found this:
Home exhausted – I just can’t make it through a whole day anymore without feeling tired beginning at 4 PM or so. If this is part of being 60 – it is for the birds! (February 5 2011).

Little did I know that I had multiple myeloma and was anemic! And I thought it was all because I had turned 60 three months before~

Today, I waited until mid-day for my Mine Hill walk so the temperature would be warmer. It was another terrific day in Mackay, Idaho - no wind and blue skies. Walked Kemmer 2.00 miles from home up the Mine Hill and back.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Walked 1.72 Miles - February 3 2012

Walked 1.72 miles in town this morning. An strong icy wind from the north made the first half of the walk COLD, but the second half with the wind to my back was wonderful.
 The 3-Sisters from Barton Flat just above Mackay Idaho this morning, February 3 2012.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Walked 2 Miles and Gastritis - February 2 2012

I managed to walk 2.00 miles from home to the Mine Hill and back. It was a bit of trudge with the wind and I am not breaking any land-speed records...but, I am out and moving. The road (normally dirt) is covered with a glistening coat of ice and snow and my Yaks are essential.
Kemmer wants to go higher like we used to do - in time, we will girl!

My gastritis from Revlimid (Day 3 of 14 in Maintenance Chemo Cycle 3) is back and I'm taking Prilosec 40 mg with Zantac 150 mg (on an empty stomach for best results) twice a day. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blood Work and A Walk - February 1 2012

Drove to Lost Rivers Medical Center Laboratory in Arco, Idaho today for my weekly blood draw. Went well on first poke with 24 gauge butterfly in my right hand.
As soon as I got home I received the fax with the results. My white blood cell count is still low at 2.5 (norms 4-11.2), my hemoglobin normal at 14.5 (norms 12-16); and my platelets are tad low at 139 (norms 140-440).
All of my comprehensive metabolic values are normal, as is my LDH, Uric Acid, Phosphorus, and Magnesium.

 When I got home, I walked Kemmer 1.18 miles to the Big Lost River Smelter Bridge.
 We startled two ducks in to flight. Remember, you can click once to enlarge photos and twice to enlarge them to original size.