jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma - Update - May 29 2013

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma - Update - May 29 2013

I  did my one-with-sofa all day after I picked up the mail and delivered it to Dad and a quick trip to Ivies (grocery store). Dad and Jeff were cleaning Dad's very large barn and fixing Dad's ride-on-mower. Jeff is ALWAYS so good to help Dad and they work well together as long as Dad is in a rolling chair of some kind since his back prevents him from walking more than a few yards at a time.

Jani and Jeff cleaned my rain gutters out --- such special service!

I was able to get one of "THE BEST" crochet teachers in all of Mackay, Idaho to come over and teach my sister-in-law, Carol Malkiewicz, a refresher course in crochet stitches. Thank you Lela Warner!
Dzadzi drives grandson, Nick, to dinner in his MackayTownCar (golf cart).
Zoe and Kemmer 5 years ago today on 29 May 2008. What cute pups I picked for Jani, Robbyn, and I.
I am a bit bummed that my platelets are still running so low at 31 (norms 140-440). I was so hopeful that the bendamustine would boost my existing 5 % bone marrow function, but at least they didn't really TANK. So, it was a day of one-with-the sofa. Sorry, whine whine whine.


  1. Those sweet puppy faces turned into beautiful dogs!!

  2. Yes, Cindy Walsh, we hit the lotto with these pups - they have been wonderful dogs. Lots of people have asked me if they could have my Kemmer after I pass away, but she will be going to live with her sister, Zoe and my sister, Jani, in Colorado at that time. jm
