jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma Update - Cycle 2 Bendamustine Day 1 - June 4 2013

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma Update - Cycle 2 Bendamustine Day 1 - June 4 2013

Jani drove me to St. Luke's Hospital in Twin Falls, Idaho this morning. Trouble with my GI tract moving SOUTH way too quickly, but I took some Imodium once I arrived at St. Luke's Hospital.

They drew my SPEP blood values today which I should have the final results by the end of the week. All of the SPEP myeloma tests are sent out for processing. 

My known lab values were better today. My white blood cell count (WBC) was up to 5.4 which is NORMAL! (nomrs 4.5-11). My ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is NORMAL TOO at 3.97 (norms 1.9-8.8); hemoglobin 9.6 which is low, but not low enough to require a packed red blood cell transplant (norms 12-16) - my blood transfusion threshold is 9.0 or lower.

Unfortunately, my LDH peaked upward to 1349 (norms 313-618) from 735 on 21 May 2013. Not sure what this might mean and neither did Dr. Padavanija, but it probably isn't good.

My chem panel lab values are pretty good, with just mild kidney failure values for BUN and BUN/Creatinine Ratio

Jani and I met with Dr. Padavanija and she thinks I should continue on with the bendamustine Cycle 2, as well as the Aredia 30 mg IV (bone building medication) today. RN Melisa was terrific getting every thing hung, but I did spend from 10 AM to 3 PM in the Infusion Room. Jani went shopping and I slept in the Infusion Center recliner. 

The bendamustine has a 2 1/2 week until nadir (lowest blood values), so I can expect low hemoglobin and platelets again - probably requiring blood transfusions - so, we will probably have several trips back here to Twin Falls. I'll get my blood tested at the Lost Rivers Medical Center in Arco each week and if the values are too low, will continue on to Twin Falls for the transfusions.

Had a good visit with St. Luke's Hospital Nutritionist Alisa who grew up in Kemmerer, Wyoming - my Kemmer's namesake. Both she and Dr. Padavanija recommended that I start on probioics, which support your health immune system, boost digestion and restore the natural balance of good bacteria in your digestive tract.

They didn't recommend a specific brand of Probiotic, but Jani bought this one.
Checked in to the Quality Inn in Twin Falls (a terrific place to stay with terrible internet access) so I can get my second dose of bendamustine tomorrrow at 8 AM. Bendamustine is given intravenously Day 1 and Day 2 of each Cycle. Then, we will head back to Mackay tomorrow 5 Jun 2013.

Jani and I went to Target so I could get some larger t-shirts for my Michelin-Tire-Me!

Had take out from Taco Bell and came back to the motel to eat. Then, Jani went to get her hair cut at the Twin Falls Mall - turned out nicely. Pre-photos before haircut. Post-photos tomorrow.

Jani has a lot more beauty aids than Kemmer and I.

My hair products today, however, I have spent most of the last 2 years bald, which I didn't mind at all.

Kemmer's hair products - she is easy and is so good in the shower.

We sat in the hot tub at the Quality Inn - I liked it a lot - with my Bard Power Port, which is implanted under the skin of my right chest wall - it is no problem going swimming or in a hot tub.

1 comment:

  1. lets get some good news for you.looks like you had some fun in the tub,the pomalyst 4mg is beating me up or is it the 40mg dex thats doing it i just dont know going to lower the dosage next week, feeling week tired out of breath leg pains im just a mess hope all your news is good news. Joe
