jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Relapsed High Risk Myeloma - Update July 9 2013

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Relapsed High Risk Myeloma - Update July 9 2013

A rest day for me WITHOUT ANY PHOTOS if you can believe it!

Jani sat at the dining room table ALL DAY LONG and did her TA (teaching assistant) schedule for the Fall Semester 2013. This is a complicated schedule involving approximately 22 graduate students. Thank goodness for the internet and cell phones in getting this done (many consults with the School of Sport and Exercise Science administrative assistant ). Jani finished up the schedule and now has to email each graduate student to confirm that the schedule built for them to teach does not interfere with their actual "taking a class" schedule.

All of Jani's hard work happened while I was one-with-the-sofa catching my blogs up.

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