jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Bard Power Port Day 1 Post Op June 14 2011

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bard Power Port Day 1 Post Op June 14 2011

Any where they had tape on me, I reacted or bruised.
The tissue underneath the port is exquisitely TENDER! I hope I'm NOT allergic to the port material like I am to tape!  I'm hoping it does a WHOLE LOT of HEALING before they have to access the port at 10:30 AM on Thursday, June 16th 2011 for Chemo Round 2 with Velcade, Decadron, and Aloxi.

I also have a tape reaction/bruise on my back.
The Harmony Surgical Center nurses called me to ask how I was doing and I told them about the tape/bruising areas.

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