jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Chemotherapy Day 3 of Cycle 1 June 20 2011

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Chemotherapy Day 3 of Cycle 1 June 20 2011

I had my 3rd Velcade, Decadron, Aloxi chemotherapy this afternoon. Drew my CBC first through the port.

My implanted Bard Power Port is hurting less and less, but it still bothered me to have the Huber Needle inserted.
Nurse Robin getting my port ready for use June 20 2011.
We brought my own Durapore Silk Tape to anchor the Huber Needle while the chemotherapy, medications, and fluids ran. This is the only tape that I don't seem to react to. We are going to order some more online.
Decadron 20 mg (steroids) in 100 cc of Normal Saline

Jani watched television on her iPhone. She has some app that allows her to control her television satellite from home - she is our techie girl. We had a late lunch (turkey sandwiches and yogurt) while my chemotherapy ran. I talked to my cousin, Vic Lundberg, in California to let him know about my diagnosis. His daughter, Chelsea and her husband Chris are moving in with him with Kennedy Rose (born March 11, 2011) from Tahoe.
The last 20 minutes or so of the session, I became really tired and just wanted a nadir (nap). Jani drove and I slept in the back of Bart (2006 Honda Pilot) on the way home.

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