jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Dr. James Moore Appointment June 20 2011

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Dr. James Moore Appointment June 20 2011

I met with my oncologist, Dr. James Moore, before my chemotherapy session today, June 20 2011. We talked about my visit to Dr. Han Myint at the University of Colorado Bone Marrow Transplant Center.

Dr. Moore said he is expecting the myeloma load in my bone marrow to decrease with this chemotherapy I am receiving. He wants me to begin the Revilmid 25 mg by mouth (in the morning) on July 5th which will be the beginning of my 2nd Cycle of Chemotherapy including both Velcade intravenously (4 times) and Revlimid by mouth for 14 days. They have to be careful in their use of Revlimid because it can damage normal stem cells and they want to harvest as many normal stem cells as possible for my autologous stem cell transplant probably sometime in August 2011.

Dr. Moore thinks the 101.2 fever, chills, and headache that I had last Wednesday was related to my tape allergy vs Zometa, Velcade, or any of the other things.

Dr. Moore looked me over and examined my mouth, skin, and abdomen. Per usual, Dr, Moore was nice, caring, and even cooperated today for my blog photo. I'm sure my visit always puts him off his schedule a tad because he NEVER acts rushed and always answers all my questions.
Dr. Moore's assistant made appointments for the pulmonary function tests and echocardiogram that I need for June 27 2011. However, I'll be in Idaho on that date, so, I'm going to call and reschedule them.

Dr. Moore gave me a written referral for Aspen Home Health Care in Blackfoot, Idaho if I would need anything related to my port care while I'm in Mackay, Idaho. Vickie Jo Leavitt Dunn, RN is the home health care nurse for the Mackay area. Now that I have the referral nothing will happen to the port - good insurance! 

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