jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Appointment with oncologist, Dr. James Moore and then Chemotherapy Cycle 3 Day 1 July 26 2011

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Appointment with oncologist, Dr. James Moore and then Chemotherapy Cycle 3 Day 1 July 26 2011

My back spasms continue and Jani got me in to the car again for my appointment with Dr. James Moore as I begin Chemotherapy Cycle 3 of Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi and Cycle 2 of Revlimid. Dr. Moore was very caring about my back pain and said he did not think it was a side effect of Revlimid since it came on late in the week that I was not taking any medications. He wants me to have an MRI of my back to make sure we are not missing something. In addition, I'll start back on anti-inflammatory, Celebrex 100 mg twice a day and add muscle relaxant, Flexeril 2.5 mg three times a day.

From the appointment, we just walk to the back of the Front Range Cancer Specialists area where the chemotherapy is administered. Nurse Robbyn drew hooked up my port with a Huber needle and drew my blood prior to the administration of chemotherapy. I was anxiously awaiting the Decadraon (steroid) as Dr. Moore thought that would help my back pain - and it DID. I was a new woman with NO PAIN. After days of seizing spasms in my back with any movement, this was welcome relief!

I got my fluids, Aloxi, and Velcade and we were on the road - this time pain free by 2:15 PM.

I made email contact with the Dana Godec, RN Transplant Coordinator at the University of Colorado and she will make my appointments there with Dr. Han Myint after my MRI is completed.

Jani sat with me in the chemotherapy room and she is working on the photos of the 150th Birthday Party, but it will take her awhile, so be sure to look back in the blog for more photos on July 22 2011.

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