jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Chemotherapy Day 2 Cycle 3 July 28 2011

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chemotherapy Day 2 Cycle 3 July 28 2011

Jani drove my sleepy self to chemotherapy this afternoon. I had the usual intravenous Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi combo. They always draw my blood from my Bard Power Port first and have it analyzed before they start the chemo. Today, my CBC was still abnormal, but moving toward more normal than ever before. In fact, this is the first time my WBC (white blood cell) count had been in the normal range at 5.2 (norms 4-10). I continue anemic.
I managed to gain 3 pounds since Tuesday and I know it is not from eating too many calories~ I've gained 10 pounds since diagnosis. My skinny oncolgoist says not to worry. It is very hard to balance everything. I feel like my stomach may come north and at times I have had a surprise of stomach contents in my esophagus, but I have not vomited. I continue constipated to a degree - taking Senokot S three pills along with 2 Milk of Magnesia pills daily which has things moving south, but probably not enough. On my chemo days, I am drinking the Papaya Miralax shake when I get home.
Came home from chemo with a prescription for Ambien for sleep. I didn't take any today. I just want to make sure all the Flexeril (muscle relaxant) is out of system before adding something new. Didn't seem to need the Ambien anyway - I slept hard for another 2 hours before dinner.

1 comment:

  1. I so appreciate the detailed accounts you share with us... I know it is a lot of work, but I believe patients learn best from other patients! I love the way you post often... Keep it up! Good luck- Pat
