jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Psych Evaluations for Jani and jm July 6 2011

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Psych Evaluations for Jani and jm July 6 2011

Jani and I had a 10 AM appointment with Ben Brewer, PsyD, Clinical Health Psychologist, Department of Medicine, Bone Marrow Transplant Hematological Malignancy Program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Cancer Center. The psych evaluation for me and my caregiver, Jani, are also part of the medical insurance pre-approval process for a stem cell transplant.
Dr. Brewer aka Ben (nice touch that he introduced himself as Ben) had us fill out some written questionnaires on how we were feeling. Jani's questionnaires were different than the ones I filled out. Afterwards, we met in Ben's office and he went through a detailed interview process. I think we passed in the end. Ben will be available to me and my family throughout the stem cell transplant. I might have him work with me over my stress related to the bone marrow biopsy process.

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